Wednesday 2 April 2014

Why do we put up with it?

Imagine this, you're standing in line at your favourite Tim Hortons or Starbucks. The person in front of you puts in their order, pays, and gets their coffee. You step up to the counter, order the SAME coffee and the clerk says, "Sorry the price just went up ten cents." No warning or explanation is given for the increase. You can't do without that coffee so reluctantly you pay.

The next day, coffee's back to the previous price. The day after that, when you don't really need a coffee, it's another five cents less. Then when you decide you absolutely must have a coffee fillup, the price has ballooned up overnight twenty-five cents more!

Coffee customers wouldn't stand for shenanigans like that. There'd be a revolution! So why do we put up with it when it's gasoline prices doing the same thing?

1 comment:

  1. 3 or so years ago gasoline here in Vancouver B.C. was sellling for $1.50 per liter. At that time the future price of crude oil was $150.00 per barrel, Currently in Vancouver gasoline is selling for $1.51 per liter, and the price of crude future is $102.00 per barrel. Why the discrepancy and where is the extra money going?
