Wednesday 16 April 2014

Deal-breaker Design Details

I would've bought that car except for...

That's how the description of a deal-breaker design detail begins. There's lots of them throughout the automotive world. Everyone has their own opinion in this area, but this is MY blog and I can say and show what is a deal-breaker detail for me.
Over the years, there's been lots of design details I didn't like on several cars. In most cases, they're things I could live with, if I had to. But this is about deal-breakers, so here's what is currently my most despised deal-breaker detail.

This is the 2013 Hyundai Genesis Coupe. I like the overall look of this car. It has a nice wide stance, and flowing, interesting lines throughout, except for the deal-breaker. It's that notch in the bottom of the window behind the door. It's awkward and ill-conceived and does not enhance the car in any way. Hyundai says it's to enhance the driver's ability to shoulder-check when changing lanes – that's just a load of hooey and they know it. They were just trying too hard to come up with something different and it didn't work.
I can imagine a lot of you thinking, "it's easy to criticize, but let's see you come up with a better detail." Well that's just what me and photoshop have done. Here's how I think that window should look. I'll let you be the judge whose is better-looking...  If you click on either image, it enlarges to fill the screen and you can click back and forth from their design to my "notch removed" design.

My apologies to Hyundai for selecting one of your cars as my first deal-breaker detail. I think you make great cars, in fact my wife and I are very happy with our Elantra Touring.
Look out Nissan, Mini, Ferrari and others, you'll all get your turn when I air out more of my deal-breaker details.

Cheers, Rick

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