Saturday 12 July 2014

About Tailgating...

From Wikipedia: Tailgating is the practice of driving on a road too close to a frontward vehicle, at a distance which does not guarantee that stopping to avoid collision is possible.

You're driving along, minding your own business, when a car looms into your rearview mirror. As it gets closer and Closer and CLOSER your blood pressure rises. Nothing spoils a nice drive quicker than having a tailgater wanting to climb into your back seat! I've spent decades observing this deviant driving behaviour. For your enlightenment, I've listed the types of tailgaters I've encountered:

Miss Chronic Speeder
She's around nineteen years old, usually quite intelligent in all other aspects of her life – but when it comes to driving, she's learned a truckload of bad habits from her peers. Primarily she is a chronic speeder, always moving at least fifteen kilometres an hour faster than the surrounding traffic. When she comes up behind a car travelling at or slightly above the posted limit, she immediately feels the denial of speed, and will slowly tiptoe closer and closer to your rear bumper, hoping she can push you to go faster. While not aggressive in nature, this tailgater is no less dangerous as her addiction to speeding will drive her to take risks with YOUR life.

Mister Teenage Racer
This young man has a brand new "N" sticker on the back of his car. With three weeks of driving experience under his belt, he knows everything there is to know about car control. Overwhelmingly confident in his driving skills, he will risk all to get a hundred feet up the road two seconds quicker. You'll see him approaching in your rearview, weaving from lane to lane. Once directly behind you, he'll be looking for an opening to squeeze into to get past you. Be on guard for him to immediately swerve back in front of you as soon as he can. Get away from this driver as quickly as possible, he is going to cause a crash likely sooner than later.

The Rubber Band Driver
This type of tailgater is one of the most dangerous. Their inattention to driving means they don't notice they're not matching the speed of traffic, until they're WAY TOO CLOSE to the car in front, then slowing down too much and falling behind. This pattern repeats endlessly, hence the name "Rubber Band." When situations arise, this driver's lackadaisical attitude to driving makes them slow to react. If you have to brake suddenly when they are in the "TOO CLOSE" phase behind you, expect to be exchanging info on the side of the road.

The Distracted Driver
It could be the kids in the back seat, a dripping sandwich, the spilled coffee, the urgent text needing a reply, or an intense cell phone conversation that lies behind this driver's close proximity to the car they're following. As with the Rubber Band Driver, their distraction will also lengthen their reaction time should a situation arise. In addition to tailgating, this driver can be expected to wander out of their lane AND over the centreline. BEWARE!

The Sociopath
This deviant has no regard for anyone else on the road. Fortunately they are the rarest form of tailgater. If you're lucky, you'll never have dealings with one. But even one encounter with this type of tailgater can be life-altering. They will be so close behind you will be able to clearly see the evil madness in their eyes. Don't try the little tap tap warning on your brake pedal – this instantly increases their rage! They are likely to immediately retaliate by giving your rear bumper a less than delicate nudge. Do whatever it takes to get away from this menace. Adding to this tailgater's bouquet are the high probability they don't have insurance, or a valid driver's licence. They also might be in a stolen car and may also have an outstanding warrant for their arrest. My friend Jeff would call these low-lifes, "A waste of skin!" 

So there you have it, some of the more prominent types of tailgaters. There are more but these cover the major categories. There's only one item left to discuss on this topic, and that is to give you a way to determine whether or not you're a tailgater. Often the tailgater has no idea of their affliction – perhaps the following Top Ten list will help...

Top Ten Signs You're A Tailgater
1. When you're following another car you can easily read the expiry date on the license plate tag.
2. The car you're following often seems to have a short in their brake lights – they continuously blink on and off.
3. Your front seat passengers are always leaning back in their seat, arms braced on the dashboard while quietly reciting the prayer, "Please let me live through this ride."
4. When it's your turn to drive the carpool, everyone else calls in sick.
5. Your significant other often says, "Honey, you're tired, let me drive."
6. Usually happy and carefree, your kids take on a totally different mindset as you strap them in. Once underway, the oldest keeps reminding the younger ones to "stay in the brace for impact position!"
7. You pick up a hitchhiker, who says he's on a cross-country tour. But after only a mile or so, he says in a trembling high-pitched voice, "Here's my stop, you can let me out right here!"
8. You've found a Safe Driving Manual tucked under your windshield wiper. Thumbing through the book you see the section on tailgating has been highlighted. 
9. It's so annoying, your front seat passengers are often thumping their right foot on the floorboard. "It's as if they're pushing a brake pedal," you think to yourself.
10. You're following a tough-looking guy on a big noisy chopper motorcycle. Suddenly he veers to the right, slows down, kicks your door and screams, "BACK OFF YOU TAILGATING MORON!"

I've tried to inject a bit of humour into what is a serious danger to us all when we're on the road. It is my sincere hope that this posting will prompt you to assess your driving habits. If you find yourself admitting to being a tailgater – amend your ways!

In closing, here's a link to a wikipedia page discussing how to properly gauge what is a safe following distance. Please have a look at: The Two Second Rule.


  1. Love the story on tailgating!!!!

  2. Rick, I think this clip qualifies as Tailgated Revenge Porn:
